Category: Talent Development

5 Critical Aspects of Performance Management for New Managers

Proactive Performance Management When I started in management, I was focused on ensuring my team understood goals and expectations. Equally important, was knowing that each team member had access to the training they needed to do their jobs well. By the time I left that organization five years later, I was addicted to proactive performance […]

Three Mistakes to Avoid During New Manager Transitions

Bad Transitions Don’t Just Happen Several years ago, I witnessed a management transition. Everyone was excited. The transition was needed and a few steps rushed. A strong sense of optimism developed about the new manager’s potential. It seemed as if the majority of the trusted, senior leaders and managers were convinced that this was the […]

The Critical Need for Sound Leadership

Not All Leaders Are Prepared to Lead If you’ve recently found yourself frustrated and confused by leadership, you’re not alone. Being able to take charge during periods of rapid change and deal effectively with ambiguity are key competencies needed in today’s leaders. We need individuals who are decisive, trustworthy, and capable of creating solutions today […]

Use Innovative Learning to Prepare Your Organization for Change

Maintenance Learning is for Organizations Who Want to Maintain the Status Quo It is not uncommon for organizations to connect learning and development activities to performance evaluations. This practice fails to account for the performance required to successfully navigate change. The practice of maintenance learning addresses growth and learning related to performance gaps and anticipated […]

performance management

Performance Management Fails, and What to Do About It

Managing the performance of others can be tough, but effective if done correctly. The problem is that not all managers know how to manage others correctly. You probably know of managers who dread giving performance evaluations, you may even dread them yourself. That’s when you hear the familiar phrases: “Just fill out the form and […]

Managing Performance

Communicating for Success Managing performance may be one of the most challenging tasks you undertake as a new manager. Generally, your abilities as a manager and the work environment influence how effective you will be with managing performance. For some, this seems to come naturally and for others, managing performance can be dreaded, uncomfortable and […]

stack of money

What Managing Without Guidance Costs Us

Hiring, training and attrition can cost us a lot but managing without guidance costs us as well – much more than we might think: First, it can cost us our jobs. We may think because we’ve acquired a certain level of experience and education that we’re somewhat insulated from cutbacks or outsourcing but that’s not […]

Bridge over the Mississippi River

Stretch Development in this Employment Era

Using Stretch Development to Adapt and Thrive Recruiting practices and talent management continue their evolution accelerated by several factors including competition, technology and globalization. Professionals need to understand expectations and adapt in order to survive and thrive in these new times. Adapting also often involves learning and development. Effective growth more often than not involves […]

OWN IT! Take Charge of Your Career

Have You Taken Charge of Your Career? Technology, globalization and the pace of change continue to be drivers for independent career management. Work environments and the way in which we work and think about work continue to change at an accelerated pace. Career management is also changing. Savvy professionals realize that they (not their employers) are […]

Professional Development Plans and Your Career

Managing Your Career with Professional Development Plans   Professional development plans can be quite useful in managing your career.  They can help align your efforts and resources with your goals.  Professional development plans do not need to be complicated or take considerable amounts of your time.  Making them useful involves your willingness to be adaptable […]