Category: Talent Development

Computer chip that reads AI.

AI Skills Assessment to Support Successful Implementations

Artificial intelligence (AI) is rapidly transforming our world, with applications infiltrating every corner of industry. From medical diagnosis and fraud detection to personalized recommendations and self-driving cars, AI is poised to disrupt and redefine how we work and live. But simply deploying an AI system isn’t enough. To truly unlock its potential, you need the […]

The 90-Day Success Blueprint: A Guide to Thriving as a New Engineering Manager

The 90-Day Success Blueprint: A Guide to Thriving as a New Engineering Manager Are you starting a new job as an engineering manager? Exciting times lie ahead, but the challenge can be daunting. Leading a team of engineers, building relationships with colleagues, navigating a new environment and delivering results can be overwhelming. But, with the […]

Beware the Hazards of Quick Fixes to Talent Shortages and Skills Mismatches

It’s a lesson we need to appreciate: short-term solutions can easily lead to longer term frustration. As we attempt to address immediate talent shortages and skills mismatches, it’s important to keep in mind that a couple of key elements of community development—collaboration and community participation—are paramount to a community’s ability to thrive. Despite all the […]

Communicating in a Global Context: Know Your Audience

“If an engineer’s primary goal is ultimately to solve problems for society, this goal may not be fulfilled if engineers cannot communicate effectively. Engineers can develop great solutions, but if we cannot effectively explain to society a solution is safe and viable, then we have failed.” -Kevin Forbes, P.E. It’s not enough to excel at […]

Preparing Technical Talent for Management

This article was originally published by Inside Indiana Business on May 20, 2022. Companies can ensure technical professionals are prepared to manage others but only if they’re willing to reconsider their approach. To secure and keep a deep bench of tech talent, successful organizations invest in the professional development of their engineers and technical professionals. […]

Communicating in Times of Uncertainty

Uncertainty has become more common over the past couple of years—perhaps more so than many leaders, and business owners, would like to accept. Yet many long for a return to normal, even though realists acknowledge that the term “normal” is associated with the past. At this point, as leaders continue to try and develop solutions […]

Unlearning: A Critical Element of Organizational Change

Originally posted by Inside Indiana Business on February 23, 2021. Organizations typically focus on learning and fail to address unlearning as an organizational development strategy. Whether we realize it or not, we gravitate toward what is familiar and less challenging. But without taking the time to step back and reflect upon the ways in which […]

Preparedness Positions Us for Prosperity

Originally posted by Inside Indiana Business on January 13, 2021.   Both economic development and preparedness are extremely important. But they must be prioritized. Preparedness is always first. If you are prepared, you are positioned for prosperity. If you aren’t prepared, sustainable progress isn’t possible. I have witnessed this throughout my career. Once organizations gained […]

How to Turn the Pandemic into Opportunity for Meaningful Progress

Originally posted by Inside Indiana Business on October 29, 2020. As organizations adapt to change brought about by the pandemic, many contemplate how long it will take for our world to return to normal. Normal will be what we make of it. Our former ways of living and working have evolved in many ways to […]

5 Critical Aspects of Performance Management for New Managers

Proactive Performance Management When I started in management, I was focused on ensuring my team understood goals and expectations. Equally important, was knowing that each team member had access to the training they needed to do their jobs well. By the time I left that organization five years later, I was addicted to proactive performance […]