Unlock Potential with Strong Performance Management, LLC

Workforce Development, AI Implementations, Software Development and Project Management, Engineering Continuing Education, and Professional Development Programs

NeuraHeal™ is an adaptive software solution designed to enhance the care and management of Alzheimer’s Disease and dementia (AD/ADRD) patients. Currently, in partnership with Purdue University, we are applying for an NIH grant to support its development.

Artificial Intelligence Support

AI Implementation Templates and Support

Professional Development for Licensed Engineers

PE Continuing Education Webinars

Strong Performance Management, LLC Board-approved Continuing Education Provider

You know you’re in the right place if you want to earn professional development hours (PDH) to fulfill your continuing education requirements for your professional engineering license.


Customized Training Programs for Engineers and Technical Professionals

We understand that every organization has unique training needs. That’s why we offer customized training programs tailored specifically to engineers and technical professionals. Our latest release, Emotional Intelligence in the Age of AI: Navigating the Intersection of Human and Machine Intelligence in Advanced Manufacturing: Training Program for Engineering Managers, is available now.

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Stay Involved in Shaping NeuraHeal™

Help us transform Alzheimer’s and dementia care with your insights. Whether you’re a patient, caregiver, physician, Board of Advisors member, or potential investor, your feedback is invaluable in refining NeuraHeal™’s AI-driven solutions. By signing up, you’ll join a community dedicated to creating tools that improve lives, simplify caregiving, and enhance medical decision-making. Together, we can make a lasting impact.

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