Category: Professional Development

Computer chip that reads AI.

AI Skills Assessment to Support Successful Implementations

Artificial intelligence (AI) is rapidly transforming our world, with applications infiltrating every corner of industry. From medical diagnosis and fraud detection to personalized recommendations and self-driving cars, AI is poised to disrupt and redefine how we work and live. But simply deploying an AI system isn’t enough. To truly unlock its potential, you need the […]

Overcoming Obstacles to AI Implementations: A Multi-Frame Approach for Managers

As industries accelerate their embrace of artificial intelligence (AI), many organizations find themselves grappling with unique challenges that hinder full-scale AI integration. These obstacles often stem from a complex relationship between technological readiness and human factors. Successful AI adoption requires managers to navigate these complexities by leveraging their emotional intelligence (EQ), understanding organizational culture, and […]

The 90-Day Success Blueprint: A Guide to Thriving as a New Engineering Manager

The 90-Day Success Blueprint: A Guide to Thriving as a New Engineering Manager Are you starting a new job as an engineering manager? Exciting times lie ahead, but the challenge can be daunting. Leading a team of engineers, building relationships with colleagues, navigating a new environment and delivering results can be overwhelming. But, with the […]

Communicating in a Global Context: Know Your Audience

“If an engineer’s primary goal is ultimately to solve problems for society, this goal may not be fulfilled if engineers cannot communicate effectively. Engineers can develop great solutions, but if we cannot effectively explain to society a solution is safe and viable, then we have failed.” -Kevin Forbes, P.E. It’s not enough to excel at […]

Foundational Skills to Leverage in the New Year

Foundational Skills to Leverage in the New Year Originally published on Inside Indiana Business, January 20, 2022. Being proficient at completing the technical aspects of your position can only take you so far. To stand out from others, strong foundational skills are required. Individuals who are self-aware and adept at communication and relationship building, position […]

How to Turn the Pandemic into Opportunity for Meaningful Progress

Originally posted by Inside Indiana Business on October 29, 2020. As organizations adapt to change brought about by the pandemic, many contemplate how long it will take for our world to return to normal. Normal will be what we make of it. Our former ways of living and working have evolved in many ways to […]

The Critical Need for Sound Leadership

Not All Leaders Are Prepared to Lead If you’ve recently found yourself frustrated and confused by leadership, you’re not alone. Being able to take charge during periods of rapid change and deal effectively with ambiguity are key competencies needed in today’s leaders. We need individuals who are decisive, trustworthy, and capable of creating solutions today […]

What Managing Without Guidance Costs Us

Hiring, training and attrition can cost us a lot but managing without guidance costs us as well – much more than we might think: First, it can cost us our jobs. We may think because we’ve acquired a certain level of experience and education that we’re somewhat insulated from cutbacks or outsourcing but that’s not […]

OWN IT! Take Charge of Your Career

Have You Taken Charge of Your Career? Technology, globalization and the pace of change continue to be drivers for independent career management. Work environments and the way in which we work and think about work continue to change at an accelerated pace. Career management is also changing. Savvy professionals realize that they (not their employers) are […]

Q & A with Ron Thomas, a Chief Human Resource & Administrative Officer

I am very pleased to have recently had the privilege of interviewing Ron Thomas, a Chief Human Resource & Administrative Officer currently based in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.  We asked him to share his insight and recommendations for human resource practitioners. Q:  Would you speak to your experience as a professional and describe how you stay […]