Category: Coaching

Making Wellness Stick

4 Elements of a Plan that Enable Progress  To embody wellness, you need a realistic approach. But the approach itself is not enough. For wellness to endure you must develop the habits to support your desired outcomes. Last year, a family medical emergency brought home the importance of wellness to me. We’d always been healthy, […]

How to Balance Goal Setting with Reality

We can often achieve our goals. But to take goal setting to another level, to achieve more challenging goals or more goals simultaneously, you need to approach goal setting differently. You need to balance goal setting with reality. And the reality that I’ve seen involves people pushing themselves harder and putting in more and more […]

The Simplest Way to Navigate Through Unanticipated Change

Most people rely on the comfort of routine more than they appreciate the benefits associated with unanticipated change. In my experience, as both a manager and a coach, that’s been the reality. A few years ago, for example, one of my friends experienced a setback in his career progression. He had achieved the milestones his […]

performance management

Performance Management Fails, and What to Do About It

Managing the performance of others can be tough, but effective if done correctly. The problem is that not all managers know how to manage others correctly. You probably know of managers who dread giving performance evaluations, you may even dread them yourself. That’s when you hear the familiar phrases: “Just fill out the form and […]

3 Ways You Can Benefit from Working with a Life Coach

Most of us are extremely busy, and often our free time is planned in advance. The problem is that our busyness can interfere with actual progress toward our goals. On occasion, we plan our weeks so full with activities and tasks that they are impossible complete, let alone enjoy. And how we fill our weeks […]

What’s Your Mission in Life?

“My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive; and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humor and some style.” — Maya Angelou I’ve always been an admirer of Maya Angelou. I appreciate her wisdom and the way in which she captured meaning. The quote above is a favorite […]

New Managers: Six Aspects to Consider When Coaching Employees

When I was in corporate management, I spent a great deal of time coaching employees. Working in a call center that survived on productive employees meant that management coached employees to ensure performance remained on track. All employees had access to incredible training and were expected to use that learning to solve customer problems and […]