Communicating for Success

Managing performance may be one of the most challenging tasks you undertake as a new manager. Generally, your abilities as a manager and the work environment influence how effective you will be with managing performance. For some, this seems to come naturally and for others, managing performance can be dreaded, uncomfortable and ineffective. You have the opportunity to set the tone and pace of employee performance.

Performance management programs vary by organization. Goal setting; feedback, review, appraisal; development; collaboration, teamwork, communication; and rewards and recognition should all be included in your organization’s performance management program. It’s important that you work within your organization’s guidelines and continue to learn to develop your performance in this area. The following offer key points to consider as you approach managing performance:

Set goals for employees after you understand your organization’s history, culture and procedures. Review employee files and understand how goal setting has been handled in the past. Understand your organization’s policies and procedures before setting goals. Unfortunately, politics can also influence how managers set goals and manage employee performance. This can be difficult to comprehend or discover but it’s important that you do—and do it as soon as possible. This can be accomplished by getting to know your employees, peers and leaders and look to identify any inconsistencies in how employees within your department have been managed.

Communicate how performance and the goal setting process will be managed. Share departmental goals with all employees as a group. By meeting with all employees as a group you give them the opportunity to ask questions and learn information together; hopefully alleviating any anxiety they may have about goal setting or how you plan to approach the process. Then meet individually with employees. Reiterate the process with employees and confirm their role within in. Explain the organization’s goals and the department’s goals and how their goals and objectives will support achieving the overall organizational goals. Give employees the opportunity to ask questions and take the time to ensure you’ve answered their questions to achieve understanding. Be clear about expectations and how frequently you plan to discuss progress with them.

Foster an environment in which employees can flourish.

Provide employees with feedback periodically throughout the year. Ensure employees have the support and resources they  need to make progress and achieve goals and objectives. Offer guidance and empower them to do their jobs. This can mean letting them determine how to accomplish tasks to meet goals. Show appreciation and discuss mistakes with them offering constructive and timely feedback. Do not wait to discuss any aspect of their performance that needs corrected. If you do, the employee can lose respect for you which can negatively impact their productivity or possibly even damage the morale of your team. Be timely even with conversations that make you uncomfortable—it’s your responsibility to offer timely guidance.

Conduct performance appraisals in a timely fashion and according to your organization’s guidelines. This will be easier to do once you’ve been properly trained. Keeping good records throughout the year also helps. Ensure that you document goals and objectives and give them to employees in writing. Keep mirrornotes throughout the year to help you keep track of both positive and negative events. You should have an ongoing dialogue with employees. This can help prevent or alleviate any anxiety you may have about the performance appraisal meetings. Be sure and acknowledge positive performance with employees when it occurs and discuss poor performance as it occurs as well—do not wait until giving a performance appraisal to discuss performance that should be or needs to be acknowledged.

Encourage collaboration and teamwork. Provide opportunities for employees to exchange ideas and work together. Relationships are built upon trust. When you bring employees together you give them opportunities to get to know one another, discover shared interests and develop meaningful professional relationships.

Foster and celebrate. Foster an environment in which employees can flourish. Seek opportunities to empower them to perform individually and as part of teams. Reinforce positive performance and set the tone for the group. Recognize and reward employees consistently.


Photo by Thomas Hawk, available under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial license.


10 Strategies to Position Managers for Success

How can you stop stressing over your role as a new manager?

• It’s not about having a college degree.
• It’s not about being selected over other applicants.
• It’s not even about knowing the right people.

The real secret to being an effective manager is being able to think globally, act tactically and empower employees while making or saving your organization money.

Position yourself for success as a manager. Learn more>>

Dear Fellow Professional,
My name is Tuesday Strong. I’ve acquired over thirty years of experience in management positions in both corporate and academic environments. I’ve attained the academic credentials to complement my experience. I’ve also studied the theory and practice of management with other managers at Harvard University. That being said, the most valuable lessons I’ve learned were from my experiences on the front lines—working side by side with employees and other managers to serve customers.

I know what it takes to manage effectively. I know what it’s like to empower staff, achieve organizational goals and make money for organizations. I know what value can be created when that happens, including the opportunity to engage and retain employees, create programs and build meaningful professional relationships—and get promoted repeatedly.

It’s really not that difficult—if you know the methods I share in my e-book. I show you what it takes to manage effectively, whether you are new to management or a seasoned manager who wants to discover new ways to be more effective.


Methods for New Managers

New Manager's Success Plan

In New Manager’s Success Plan: Quick Start Guide 10 Strategies to Position Managers for Success from Day One, I share how to:

Set goals to maximize performance and attract and retain top talent.

Communicate with confidence by understanding and using the three primary ways in which communication flows through most organizations.

Manage operations for the short and long term by developing the ability to think “big picture” but yet implement on a tactical level.

Guide and empower employees using a comprehensive performance management program.

Network with purpose within your organization and externally to establish and build mutually beneficial relationships.

Navigate organizational politics effectively by learning about your organization’s culture and what’s required politically to achieve your goals.

Leverage learning for the life of your career because no longer can most managers expect to remain in any one position for the life of their careers.

Be prepared to handle a crisis to ensure the safety of employees and protect your organization’s reputation.

Know your organization’s competitors to contribute at higher levels and be the obvious choice for opportunities.

Maximize value with brand ambassadorship by ensuring employees are prepared to share information about the organization and its products or services to inform or motivate customers.


Why My eBooks Are Unique

New Manager's Success PlanNumerous books and programs on management exist. I believe mine are unique for three reasons:

1. I  have years of experience as a manager. I know the difference between managing effectively and mismanagement—I’ve experienced both. I’ve captured best practices and share them with you.

2. I’ve received hundreds of hours of management training. I’ve been trained by Indiana University, Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College, Indiana State University, Eckerd College, from Harvard University and from the Society for Human Resource Management and the Association of Physical Plant Administrators—all in addition to the onsite training provided by my employers.

3. I share my lessons learned. I know what it’s like to be a new manager. What I share with you is designed to help you avoid making mistakes and increase your effectiveness as quickly as possible.


Position yourself for success as a manager. Learn more>>

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