Category: New Managers

Improve Organizational Performance Using Strategic Decision Making

History has proven it: strategic planning is less valuable than it could be. The traditional strategic planning practice that involves business units presenting to executives on a periodic basis is outdated. This particular approach too often relies on assumptions or inherited legacy plans rather than data. History has proven it: strategic planning is less valuable […]

The Critical Need for Sound Leadership

Not All Leaders Are Prepared to Lead If you’ve recently found yourself frustrated and confused by leadership, you’re not alone. Being able to take charge during periods of rapid change and deal effectively with ambiguity are key competencies needed in today’s leaders. We need individuals who are decisive, trustworthy, and capable of creating solutions today […]

Use Innovative Learning to Prepare Your Organization for Change

Maintenance Learning is for Organizations Who Want to Maintain the Status Quo It is not uncommon for organizations to connect learning and development activities to performance evaluations. This practice fails to account for the performance required to successfully navigate change. The practice of maintenance learning addresses growth and learning related to performance gaps and anticipated […]

Using Strategic Communication to Earn Trust

I once worked for an executive who lacked the ability to strategically communicate. I say he lacked the ability, but perhaps saying he lacked the discipline would be more accurate. He chose to communicate in his preferred way all the time, regardless of how effective his communications were within the company. It was frustrating! Ever […]

Today’s Workplace: Thriving in Your First 90 Days

By Andy Gregory and Tuesday Strong. Andy is founder of recruiting firm CGP Network. Tuesday Strong is founder of Strong Performance Management LLC. Originally published on Inside Indiana Business on January 18, 2016.   As awkward and difficult as starting a new job can be, the flip side is a clean slate. What are you […]

Managing an Inherited Team

Managing inherited teams can be tough, particularly if you inherit under performing staff. On occasion new managers are brought in to implement structure and even encourage attrition. Oftentimes managers are hired to manage using existing structures. This can be a bit unnerving for the manager who discovers that the organization lacks appropriately skilled staff or […]

Navigating Organizational Politics

Learning about your organization’s culture is key to understanding what’s required politically to achieve your goals. Current practices, particularly on behalf of those in leadership positions, are good indicators of what’s expected and rewarded. I’ve known professionals throughout my career who detested the thought of having to participate in organizational politics. They believed that their […]

Managing Performance

Communicating for Success Managing performance may be one of the most challenging tasks you undertake as a new manager. Generally, your abilities as a manager and the work environment influence how effective you will be with managing performance. For some, this seems to come naturally and for others, managing performance can be dreaded, uncomfortable and […]

Managing Operations

New Manager’s Success Plan: Managing Operations Managing operations requires strategic and tactical skills. Many managerial decisions cannot be made in isolation. As a manager, you need to be able to think “big picture” but yet implement on a tactical level. This requires the ability to understand your organization, its position in the marketplace and which […]

New Manager’s Success Plan

10 Strategies to Position Managers for Success How can you stop stressing over your role as a new manager? • It’s not about having a college degree. • It’s not about being selected over other applicants. • It’s not even about knowing the right people. The real secret to being an effective manager is being […]