Category: Managers

Use Innovative Learning to Prepare Your Organization for Change

Maintenance Learning is for Organizations Who Want to Maintain the Status Quo It is not uncommon for organizations to connect learning and development activities to performance evaluations. This practice fails to account for the performance required to successfully navigate change. The practice of maintenance learning addresses growth and learning related to performance gaps and anticipated […]

Using Strategic Communication to Earn Trust

I once worked for an executive who lacked the ability to strategically communicate. I say he lacked the ability, but perhaps saying he lacked the discipline would be more accurate. He chose to communicate in his preferred way all the time, regardless of how effective his communications were within the company. It was frustrating! Ever […]

3 Ways to Help Employees Feel Seen and Heard in Uncertain Times

Many employees feel overwhelmed by the pandemic. The past few months have been extremely stressful for many of us. It’s no wonder that employees are anxious, confused, and unsettled as they re-enter workplaces or experience changes in their work environments. Here are three ways leaders can address employee’s fears and anxieties. Acknowledge losses and concerns. […]

How to Diffuse Miscommunication About Coronavirus

Originally published by Inside Indiana Business on March 2, 2020. Updates about the coronavirus are everywhere, even though much remains unknown. Workplaces are scrambling to gather information and make decisions. Leaders responsible for communicating about coronavirus have a major challenge. Tell your stakeholders what you know in an attempt to stay ahead of miscommunication or […]

The Simplest Way to Navigate Through Unanticipated Change

Most people rely on the comfort of routine more than they appreciate the benefits associated with unanticipated change. In my experience, as both a manager and a coach, that’s been the reality. A few years ago, for example, one of my friends experienced a setback in his career progression. He had achieved the milestones his […]

confirming your goals

Manage Right, Right Now: Updating Your Goals

Periodically updating your goals is important to your team and direct reports as well as to the broader organization. Your role should involve a commitment to regular reviews of progress while using resources to empower employees to do their work. This also involves being prepared to forecast needed resources and re-allocate resources and staffing quickly […]


Manage Right, Right Now: Confirming Your Goals

When you assume your role as manager, you should confirm the goal setting process including the frequency in which annual goals need set for you and your team. Once your goals and those of your direct reports have been confirmed, you can prepare to work toward your goals while providing guidance and support for employees […]

Manage Right, Right Now: Strategic Planning

Strategic Planning Strategic planning is a process normally undertaken by leadership with input from key stakeholders. The result is a plan that includes goals and strategies for achieving the goals. The process prompts the allocation of resources and decisions about outcomes and how progress will be tracked, measured and reported. Strategic plans are typically used […]

goal setting

Manage Right, Right Now: Your Role in the Goal Setting Process

  Managers are responsible for communicating organizational goals with employees and helping them understand these broader goals and how their goals are related. They also encourage employees to participate in the goal setting process, providing input about how their efforts can contribute to departmental and organizational goals. Conversations with employees about goal setting can help […]

goal setting

Manage Right, Right Now: Introduction to Goal Setting

Goal setting can be one of the most powerful tools you have as a manager. It certainly is the one with the greatest potential. Goal setting can serve as the foundation from which you can guide individuals and foster engagement while achieving broader organizational objectives and shareholder satisfaction. On the other hand, mishandling the goal […]