Why You Need to Take Responsibility for Your Happiness

Family, Friends, and Community Matter—But They Can’t Come First Some people believe that their job or friends are their most important priority. Others focus on family, business, or their studies. I know people who strive to have it all or do it all, they appear happiest when they complete the activities that they believe are […]

Mistakes We Make That Prevent Us From Being Really Happy

Most of us have happy memories. Memories of times we spent with loved ones passed, and times with loved ones that we still cherish in the here and now. And between the two, if we were lucky, we encountered countless others who also touched our lives. Growing Apart Have you ever wondered why you lost […]

How to Diffuse Miscommunication About Coronavirus

Originally published by Inside Indiana Business on March 2, 2020. Updates about the coronavirus are everywhere, even though much remains unknown. Workplaces are scrambling to gather information and make decisions. Leaders responsible for communicating about coronavirus have a major challenge. Tell your stakeholders what you know in an attempt to stay ahead of miscommunication or […]

Why We Can’t Ignore Stress

Stress is an important factor related to our overall health and well-being. Yet, surprisingly, many professionals try to ignore it until it cannot be ignored any longer. I’ve been there, done that, so I’ve identified a few aspects that might resonate with you. Reflect to Reduce Stress Relief from stress begins with reflection. That’s right. […]

Who is Your Hero in Your Workplace?

Most professionals don’t set out to be anyone’s hero. They just want to contribute, grow, and enjoy time with family and friends while having good pay and benefits. Some professionals seemingly want to experience advances in their careers, no matter the sacrifice. While others recognize the role of work and its’ contribution to their overall […]

career planning

How to Leverage Career Planning for Success

4 Steps to Guide You Throughout Your Career Career planning is an activity every professional should participate in periodically throughout their working life. In addition to setting short and long-range goals, career planning can help you anticipate challenges you might encounter as you implement your plans. Creating career plans involves reflection and identifying what strengths […]

Making Wellness Stick

4 Elements of a Plan that Enable Progress  To embody wellness, you need a realistic approach. But the approach itself is not enough. For wellness to endure you must develop the habits to support your desired outcomes. Last year, a family medical emergency brought home the importance of wellness to me. We’d always been healthy, […]

How to Balance Goal Setting with Reality

We can often achieve our goals. But to take goal setting to another level, to achieve more challenging goals or more goals simultaneously, you need to approach goal setting differently. You need to balance goal setting with reality. And the reality that I’ve seen involves people pushing themselves harder and putting in more and more […]


Self-Care Mistakes Most People Make (& How to Avoid Them)

To truly benefit from self-care practices, you need understanding, motivation, and adaptability. But setting and achieving self-care goals can be challenging. Sometimes it seems as if everything else must have your attention and energy, often leaving you with little time or motivation to care for yourself. You know self-care is important, but the demands of […]

The Simplest Way to Navigate Through Unanticipated Change

Most people rely on the comfort of routine more than they appreciate the benefits associated with unanticipated change. In my experience, as both a manager and a coach, that’s been the reality. A few years ago, for example, one of my friends experienced a setback in his career progression. He had achieved the milestones his […]