Job Search

Take charge of your job search today!

Save yourself time and money by using a realistic plan to reach the people who can hire or recommend you or connect you to others.

Technology, globalization and the pace of change continue to be drivers for independent career management. Work environments and the way in which we work and think about work continue to change at an accelerated pace. Career management is also changing.

Savvy professionals realize that they (not their employers) are responsible for their careers and professional development.

Effective career management is about owning your professional development for the life of your career, not just the job you’re in. Employment trends have accelerated during the past few years. Are you ready to survive and thrive in these new times?

Four reasons for applying what you’ll learn in this course:

  1. You are responsible for your career, not your employer.
  2. You need a rock solid professional reputation to stay employed.
  3. Savvy professionals use goal setting, networking and marketing for career success.
  4. You can increase your competitiveness with a minimal investment of time and money.

This course is filled with practical examples, templates and actionable advice.

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