Manage Right, Right Now: Gaining Goal Clarity

Posted on: January 11, 2018, by :
goal clarity

goal clarity

During the interview process you should have gained clarity about the goals and expectations for your position. Within the first few days in your new role, re-confirm the expectations for you and your team. Ask questions and understand what resources are available that you can leverage as well as any challenges that you should anticipate. Gain clarity about how performance will be evaluated and how you and your supervisor will work together to achieve shared and independent goals.

Performance Expectations

Revenue, market penetration and other targets will have most likely been established prior to you assuming your position. Confirm this and other performance expectations with your supervisor and how and when your performance will be measured and discussed. Ask about any reporting requirements you may have and share information with your direct reports as appropriate. Sharing information in advance with employees can help them prepare to meet deadlines. Once you understand performance expectations, share as much information as possible to empower your team and support progress and transparency.

Organizational, Departmental and Unit Goals

Managers are key to ensuring employees understand and implement practices that position organizations to effectively compete or sustain themselves. They also serve as interpreters, champions and organizers of change who are tasked with understanding departmental operations and aligning resources to ensure individuals and teams are supported and empowered to complete their work. Their effectiveness depends in large part on understanding goal setting and the interrelatedness of organizational, departmental, individual and team goals. Managers must be able to conceptualize the connections and anticipate challenges and successes.

Performance Management

Most organizations have policies and procedures in place to support performance management. Discuss these with your supervisor, representatives from human resources and other individuals who can help you understand the system and norms and what you can anticipate as you assume responsibility for managing a team of employees. Managing performance involves more than conducting an annual performance evaluation meeting. Goal setting, training and development, coaching, recognition, performance reviews and discipline (when necessary) are all components of managing performance. Equally important is frequent informal and formal communication and supporting employee advancement.

Key Takeaways:

  • During your first week in your new role, confirm goals and performance expectations with your supervisor.

Try This:

  • Gather information about goals and performance management from multiple individuals.
  • Learn if any cultural norms and unwritten rules exist regarding how performance is managed.

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