Why Today’s Economy Needs Brand Ambassadors

Posted on: January 7, 2013, by :

Organizations continue to realize the impacts of the more recent economic downturn.  Strained economies, cost cutting measures, and other operational changes are more commonplace as organizations continually seek ways to accomplish more with less with the goal of saving time and money.  In addition to the impact of more restrained spending and investment some are also experiencing the impact of regulation and changing demographics.  With heightened competition for talent, an aging workforce, and the need for many individuals to stay in the workforce longer than previously anticipated, organizations are recognizing the need to improve how they attract, retain, and develop talent.   

By training employees to be brand ambassadors, organizations offer customers and potential customers, additional connections to the organization and in many instances, improved service as well as the opportunity to provide feedback regarding products and services.  This additional line of communication and the resulting tightened feedback loop positions the organization to reduce the time involved in implementing solutions.  Greater customer satisfaction and at times, increased market share can result. 

Organizations and the economy can benefit from higher levels of customer satisfaction as well as from a more engaged workforce.  Employees, in general, seek to contribute to the success of their employer.  The stability of the organization can be greatly impacted by operations and the extent to which employees are engaged and invested in the organizations’ success.      


Photo by Thomas Hawk, available under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial license.

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