Three Keys to Career Success

Posted on: June 26, 2017, by :
career success

career success

It doesn’t matter if you are a recent graduate or seasoned professional, three key aspects can help you achieve career success. Too often, professionals focus on only one or two of these areas at a time without leveraging the power of how they can be connected.

It is no longer sufficient to work with coaches or mentors or work through learning plans without relating the activities to each other and with your overall career plans. Securing a position in the short term is good but securing a position that enables you to thrive in the short-and-long term is better. Thriving is often associated with being able to use your gifts as well as the passions and talents that enable you to contribute at high levels.

Three Intertwined Keys to Career Success

Learning and Development

Savvy professionals understand that they, not their employers, are responsible for their development. They focus on learning and development that relates to both their current role, interests and future plans. Mentors and others can be helpful resources as you create learning and development plans.


Learning how to set goals, develop professional skills and use resources are also key to your career success. Goal setting can positively impact every area of your life. Professional skills can help you interact confidently with others while positioning you for opportunities and helping you overcome challenges. Knowing how to locate and use reputable resources are also critical to your performance and livelihood. It’s important to be able to sift through the numerous sources of information available today and to know which sources are credible and relevant to you. Coaches can help you set goals, improve your skills and access the right resources.

Career Exploration

Discovering and reflecting upon your skills, interests and values are important to your career and overall satisfaction with your choices. A career coach can help you learn more about these by providing you with tools designed to gather and interpret information. They can also help guide you through the decision-making process using their experience, insight and access to resources.

The three intertwined aspects associated with career success can be powerful, much more so than if they are used separately. For example, understanding the extent to which your current developmental activities support both your immediate and long-term career plans can be helpful as you decide how to budget funds in support of your goals. Coaches can provide you with information and insight, both of which can help you decide which developmental activities can benefit you in both the short and long term. Coaches can also help you understand the market and the numerous opportunities available to you. Focusing on your learning and development, leveraging goal setting and exploring career options can be powerful aspects, particularly when focused upon simultaneously.


Photo by Joshua Earle on Unsplash

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