Brand Ambassadors


For the Life of Your Career, Not Just the Job You’re In

What Every Professional Should Know About                 Brand Ambassadors

Brand ambassadors represent organizations by sharing information about the organization and its products or services that informs or motivates customers.  All employees are brand ambassadors, not just front line employees.  The Gallup Business Journal, affirms, “to maximize employee and customer interactions and win in the marketplace, a company needs engaged employees in every facet of its operation, not just in customer-facing roles … Leaders must also align each employee to the company’s brand promise and ensure that he or she is prepared and equipped to be a positive brand ambassador for the organization, both on and off the clock (Sorenson and Garman, 2013).  [Click Here to Read More …]


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Understanding Brand Ambassadors

Brand ambassadors represent organizations by sharing information about the organization and its products or services that informs or motivates customers. Odds are that most employees could be considered brand ambassadors. How effective they are at representing the organization depends on various factors, many of which are influenced by the organization. Many organizations fail to realize the asset their employees are in this regard and opportunities to strengthen brands and engage employees are missed.  [Click Here to Read More …]


All Employees are Brand Ambassadors

All employees, whether or not they interact directly with customers as part of their daily duties, are brand ambassadorsManagers, administrators, employees in leadership positions and other “behind the scenes” employees are all brand ambassadors whether or not they think of themselves in this way.    When networking or simply meeting someone, usually the first questions asked involve some version of “where do you work?” or “what do you do?” Now think about how you usually respond.  While some, perhaps those more experienced at networking, answer this question with targeted responses to ensure they present themselves well, others describe their job function or employer in general terms.  It is in these situations that value is gained or lost for both employees and organizations.  [Click Here to Read More …]


Brand Ambassadors are Your Organization’s Storytellers

Brands establish relationships through promises of value to customers.  An organization’s story of their brand, or their brand narrative, communicates how they add value for customers by meeting needs.  Brand ambassadors learn the brand’s story from the organization’s actions. This value proposition is held in high regard by customers and should be equally valued by organizations because they risk losing customers when they act in ways inconsistent with their promise of value.  [Click Here to Read More …]


Brand Ambassadors Add Value

Loyal, engaged brand ambassadors can contribute to an organization’s stability, growth, and longevity by serving as an additional channel of communication; strengthening relationships; establishing new relationships; preventing the loss of customers; and by saving time and money. 

Serving as an additional channel of communication

Brand ambassadors tell an organization’s story through their daily interactions with customers, potential customers, and with their family and friends.  Seemingly simple, casual conversations can impact organizations.  If an employee is excited about a new product, program, or activity, they’re likely to share information with others.  This often this involves sharing details using various social media channels spreading information quickly and broadly.   In this context, brand ambassadors serve as an additional channels of communication by supplementing the how the organization typically shares information.  [Click Here to Read More …]


Why Today’s Economy Needs Brand Ambassadors

Organizations continue to realize the impacts of the more recent economic downturn.  Strained economies, cost cutting measures, and other operational changes are more commonplace as organizations continually seek ways to accomplish more with less with the goal of saving time and money.  In addition to the impact of more restrained spending and investment some are also experiencing the impact of regulation and changing demographics.  With heightened competition for talent, an aging workforce, and the need for many individuals to stay in the workforce longer than previously anticipated, organizations are recognizing the need to improve how they attract, retain, and develop talent[Click Here to Read More …]


Investing in Brand Ambassador Programs

Why are brand ambassador programs not more common if they are so valuable to organizations?  The answer in part, may involve the economy.  Many organizations lack the funding to invest in new initiatives and training during economic downturns.  Organizational size, business strategy and at times, regulation, impact how resources are allocated.  Funding for operations and organizational sustainability are often priorities with funding for training, unless required for the performance of essential duties, is provided at a minimum.  Some organizations focus exclusively on short term profits at the expense of longer term gains due to attempting to maximize shareholder value in the short term.   [Click Here to Read More …]


Grow Market Awareness with Brand Ambassadors

Technology and progress have resulted in unparalleled level of connectivity and instant access to individuals and their networks.  Organizations can grow market awareness with brand ambassadors.  Relationships are more valuable than ever to organizations when information can literally be shared worldwide within the blink of an eye.  Given relationships are built on trust; organizations are positioned to strengthen relationships with employees and realize value from the relationships employees have with others.

When employees are engaged, informed, and motivated they tend to willingly share information about the organization with their personal and professional networks.  It is in this context of sharing information that the organization can benefit.

Employees can share information with their networks quickly and ask that they share the information with their networks as well.  This multiplier effect can be powerful and greatly enhance the reach of the organization.  While sharing information among social networks online, engaging employees and encouraging the multiplier effect can be powerful in person as well.  Organizations can grow market awareness with brand ambassadors.  [Click Here to Read More …]



Smart organizations understand the power of stories and enlist brand ambassadors to help tell their stories.  Many times brand ambassadors literally deliver the first impressions of the organization.  Yes, impressions are created when potential customers visit an organization’s website for the first time but employees (brand ambassadors) are ideally positioned to have the initial live business to consumer interactions.  Front line employees that interact directly with the public are positioned to tell the organization’s story and to collect the stories they are told during their encounters with customers and potential customers.  Employees often establish relationships with customers and potential customers and influence purchases.  While this is essential, what can be equally significant is the information about customers and potential customers that they are privy to—this could include customer preferences; feedback about products and services; or details about competitor products or services.   [Click Here to Read More …]


Want to Improve Your Career? Be a Brand Ambassador

As a brand ambassador your network will develop naturally and connect you with others, positioning you as a source of information and as a connection to your organization.  When you decide to be a brand ambassador, you may continue to strengthen relationships beneficial to you and your organization.  For professionals it’s key to have a network of professionals who know you for your ability to use your skills in a variety of roles across industries.  Remember it’s not just who you know—it’s who knows you and what you’re capable of.  If cutbacks were to occur at your company, would they avoid letting you go? Are you someone who does a “good” job but isn’t well known? Can you really afford not to position yourself for being known for the work you’ve done and for the work you’re capable of?  Being a brand ambassador positions you to grow your network while adding value to your organization.  [Click Here to Read More …]


Being a Brand Ambassador

Being a brand ambassador for your organization results in many benefits for the organization but it also benefits you—you are proactively participating in your professional development, enhancing your communications skills, growing your network, and distinguishing yourself from your peers.  Each interaction positions you to strengthen bonds, grow your network, and be a highly sought after employee.

Once you discover that you do serve as a brand ambassador, formally trained or not, and that you’re effective, you should recognize your ability to transfer your understanding and techniques to other environments and situations.  Whether as an employee, volunteer, community or church member your awareness of the value in proactively communicating on behalf of others can positively impact your career or job prospects.  Being a brand ambassador has several benefits.  As an effective brand ambassador, consider the following opportunities, you can:

  • Train or mentor others;
  • Be an obvious choice for opportunities or greater responsibilities;
  • Be a resource for management by being a source for market information; or
  • Communicate how your serving in this role adds value to your organization and how you can add value from day one for another employer.


Being a Brand Ambassador Can Be Good for Your Career

Being unique can help you stand out as an employee and professional and is important whether you are employed or seeking employment.  Serving as a brand ambassador for your organization can positively impact your career.  You may be thought of as unique if you are a proactive, effective brand ambassador and serving in this capacity isn’t required of you in your position. 

While many employees are formally responsible for being brand ambassadors, often business development professionals and product or service representatives, others without such formal responsibilities may be quite effective serving as brand ambassadors.  For example, consider an employee who is employed as a safety manager at a pharmaceutical manufacturing plant.  This employee may not think of themselves as a brand ambassador or deliberately share company messages in the course of their personal lives.  This same employee may help out with their child’s baseball team or simply attend their games and have casual conversations with others discussing where they work and what they do—it is in these moments that brand ambassadors tell the story of the brand that is their organization.  Stories are powerful and are often of great value to organizations.  [Click Here to Read More …]


Train Employees to be Brand Ambassadors GET STARTED TODAY!

Increasingly organizations are recognizing the value of training employees to be brand ambassadors. Brand ambassador training can result in improved customer service, increased revenue, and more engaged employees. Get a jump start on your brand ambassador training program by tailoring our materials to align with your organization’s goals.  [Click Here to Read More …]


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